For the most up-to-date information on our accepted private health insurance plans
contact our office directly at 401-521-1221
The material provided on this website is for informative purposes only. If you need specific medical advice please contact the office or make an appointment.
Emergencies: This website should not be used for emergencies. If you have a true emergency, please call 911 or go to the closest Emergency Room.
What billing or insurance information will I receive?
​You will receive a copy of your bill. After your insurance has paid, we'll provide you with a monthly statement of your account.
I received a notice that my insurance company has paid on my bill -- but I can't understand how they calculated their payment amount. Do you know?
​If we have received any such information from your insurance company, we'll be glad to share it with you. However, for answers to any questions about insurance payments, deductibles, or co-payments, you generally need to check with your insurance company.